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Make your vote count! Last day to vote!

Today is the last day to exercise your right to vote for the University of Groningen elections! We believe it is important for you, as a PhD student, to make your voice heard. There are elections for the University Council and the Faculty Council, where your vote can make a difference.

We wrote earlier this year explaining the difference between the two Councils (you can read about it here). In addition, GRIN, the Groningen Graduate Interest Network, has kindly prepared a web page outlining the current elections (here)

This year is also quite important for PhD scholarship students because – finally – a party on University Council level was created with only PhD scholarship students as candidates. Until now, there has never been a scholarship PhD student in the University Council! We want to make sure you are aware of this opportunity and encourage you to go vote and find an opportune representative. In the coming years, important decisions will be made at the university/faculty level and ALL PhDs should be represented in the best manner possible.

You can find the link to vote (here)

Results will be streamed live next Tuesday so tune in to watch how your vote made a difference!

Warmest regards,

PhD Council

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