"To: all FSE students Dear student,
The Faculty Council – the FSE’s official advisory organ to the board – is in need of enthusiastic students to become council members next year. Are you interested in offering advice to the faculty board and have your voice be heard? Then apply for next year’s council via this link. Nine students represent the faculty’s student population and together with nine staff representatives, they form the council.
As a council member, you give your opinion on the Faculty Board’s decisions and intentions. Subjects that can come to your attention as a council member vary from the Faculty’s finances to reorganizations, and education-related spending to official regulations. During the meetings with the Board, you offer your feedback and have the opportunity to engage in discussions regarding the (prospective) policies. As such, you’ll get to learn about the inner workings and organization of the Faculty, and connect with students and staff of all her various disciplines. Add to this contact with the programme committees and the University Council, and being in the Faculty Council makes for a great opportunity to broaden your network and add to your overall work experience.
The approximate workload is an average of 5 hours per week, and there is financial compensation for your efforts.
Is your fancy tickled? Then apply now by simply filling out this Google Form. The deadline is on March 1, at 12 PM. Don’t hesitate to apply! Click here for more information about the FC. Should you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at listfse2021@gmail.com.
In the hopes of hearing from you soon,
Your Faculty Council 2020/2021