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The GSSE PhD Council has a website!

So what does the GSSE PhD Council do when they have some downtime? They create a website!

2020 will be the year of COVID-19 and how we all learned that working from home.

During the transition towards working from home and blurring the lines between work and home (and finding oneself waking with no comprehension of date and time), we as a Council decided to start a website! This is not a means to stop our regular communication to reach out to the PhD candidates of GSSE but we realised a more open platform to highlight the latest news within GSSE would be important as the uncertainty of when social distancing measures will be lifted is uncertain. The successes of video game nights showed that we, as a Council, could do more to engage with our fellow PhDs, outside of the borrels which we were not able to host due to COVID-19.

We hope with this website, we can be more transparent about the work we do as a Council and provide the opportunity for you, GSSE PhD candidates, to reach out to us and other fellow colleagues in discussing the important questions in the journey of your PhD (i.e. where is the best place for frietjes in Groningen)

As we prepare to enter summer and the new academic year, we will use our website more to publish content on what we are working on, provide a Forum for GSSE PhD candidates to raise questions and help each other out, and most importantly, keep you up-to-date on when our next borrel will be.

Have a fantastic summer and see you all soon!

Met vriendelijke groet,

GSSE PhD Council

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