Welcome back! We hope you had a fantastic summer!
To ease in to the new academic year, we have a question for you. Have you ever been curious to know what the GSSE PhD Council does?
We thought to make it easy for current and future Faculty of Science and Engineering PhD researchers to read up on what we do by showcasing our Policy Plan.
You can find the Policy Plan here
In the Policy Plan, we highlighted the aims of the GSSE PhD Council and the activities which we organise / participate to ensure we meet the aims.
Of course, compiling everything we do was tricky but we hope this provides a summary for your to know the work undertaken behind the scenes (and also for you to see if you'd like to join us!)
Do not hesitate to ask us any questions! We are currently working on setting up a Q&A page to help PhD researchers find the information they need (e.g. where is the best place to get frietjes?)
Met vriendelijke groet,
GSSE PhD Council